Joosung Kang
MA Thesis
Re-building context-oriented graphic design portfolio in the social media age
For contemporary designers, using a singular or even multiple online portfolio platforms in the social media age has been an inevitable duty for self-promotion and visibility. By keeping designers themselves as always-online, it is possible to share and to show their creative activities – posting design projects and ‘WIP(work in progress)’ – to a world wide audience. Even among designers, creatives do not hesitate to follow, appreciate each other to expand their connections. Joint structure and its influence from representative portfolio platforms like Behance, Dribbble, and Instagram have been comparatively under-mentioned.This study delves into the structure and system of portfolio platforms, which are the most representative services. This study identifies systematic factors which lead to passive participation in showcasing a portfolio and build the alternative portfolio as an experiment with the self-directed formation, and context of design. The newly suggested website portfolio is investigated with in-depth interviews of seven graphic design professionals and check its validity as an alternative or additional portfolio besides current portfolio platform services.
Link to the thesis