The Visual Communication Design programme at Aalto University (VCD) is an international learn- ing community committed to investigating new modes of action within visual communication. This archive was established in 2020 as a means to document and share the activity and work of the programme.

Information Design Studio



The Information Design Studio focuses on systems design aspects of Information Design, incorporating elements interface design and interaction design. Throughout the course, students learn to design contextually relevant and user-centric information systems. The students have an opportunity to experiment and learn from everyday multi-sensorial information inspirations, including sound as the important aspect of information design. They develop the topic for their project or work on a set of available information design project descriptions. Projects can explore the possibility to use public data/issues, or arise from personal experiences or collaborative design with partners from internal or external organisations. This course especially supports the competence area of Information Design within Visual Communication Design. This is a trans-disciplinary inviting students from all disciplines who have a strong interest and want to develop a specialisation in Information Design and data visualisation.


Studio Teacher: Rupesh Vyas


[Student Participants]

Joonatan Saarhelo
Hilla Makela
Johannes Pennanen
Kai Nordfors
Johanna Tenstrom
Iida Pohjolainen
Jing Li
Stella Keppo
Federico Simeoni
Maria Okkonen
Casper Vonpfaler
Zuzanna Oniszczuk