Iisa Pappi
BA Thesis
Ristiriita työkaluna musiikkijulkaisun visuaalisen ilmeen suunnittelussa
Iisa Pappi’s bachelor thesis observes and analyzes contradiction as the fundamental tool for a design process. In this thesis the tool is used to create visuals for a musical artist, including a logo, album cover art and promotional video clips for social media. In this work contradiction is defined as contrast, being offbeat, coincidence as a chance for contradiction, and other impressions of mismatching.
During the process the tool of contradiction is used differently. Sometimes it takes over as the leader of decision-making and other times it is mainly used for designer’s own reflection.
The client’s wish for the visuals was to strive for both anonymity and a strong, recognizable character, which is how the surreal silhouettes came to be. The visuals were created through a game of Chinese whispers: the designer created silhouettes based on the soundscape of the songs and after that a collaborating choreographer created a signature way of moving for each silhouette without hearing the actual music they will be dancing to, creating a chance for contradictions.
Link to full thesis in Finnish: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-202001191730