Robynn McPherson
MA thesis
OS/error: Operating system for the human, the computer, and the environment
OS/error is a six-mode conceptual operating system that poetically performs: Searching, Functioning, Building, Aligning, Scripting and Scrolling. These processes mediate interconnectedness through supporting the perception of humans and technological inventions as different compositions of nature and therefore indivisible from the environment.
OS/error functions to rupture norms and dismantle oppressive fixities. It is an intentional and critical mode of operating, resisting a culture of binary code, measurement and calculation and maintaining the functions of indeterminacy, inefficiency and delay. OS/error is a means to reflect on what is unknown and feared, and ultimately advance queerness as a shared phenomena within the human, the computer, and the environment.
Link to project: www.oserror.run
Link to thesis text: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:aalto-2020121356240